
We have over 30 members in the club. It’s a great place to meet people and make new friends while sharing a common interest. We dive most weekends over the Summer months, and dive midweek too. Members of the Club are encouraged to continually advance their diving skills through the vast array of courses available with CFT, ranging from first aid and boat coxswain to Rescue and Instructor diver grades, details of which can be found on CFT’s website.

We welcome new members, both experienced and new divers. We generally host a Try dive in October and new divers need to join by October to train for diving the following year. Training for beginners begins in November and involves a 16 week pool and lecture series training programme.  In January members are ready to hit the water for snorkels and the diving season proper typically begins in March.

ESAC are affiliated with Diving Ireland (CFT) and all of our certification is issued by CMAS and recognised worldwide.

The club provides equipment such as our RHIB, trailers, compressors, etc and use of these is always free to members. You will need to provide all of your personal dive gear including wetsuit, regulator, BCD and bottles.